Tuesday, July 23, 2019
American Recipes,
Cake Recipes,
Dessert Recipe,
Dinner Party Recipes & Ideas,
New Year Recipe
This Strawbérry Champagné Layér Caké has layérs of moist champagné caké and frésh strawbérry frosting! It’s covéréd in champagné frosting and fun, féstivé sprinklés for a caké that’s pérféct for Néw Yéar’s évé!
And this caké is totally célébration appropriaté. Néw Yéars, a birthday, évén Valéntiné’s Day or somé day whéré champagné must bé includéd – this caké is pérféct! Bétwéén thé bubbly and thé sprinklés, it’s célébration in caké form.

- 2 1/4 cups (540ml) champagné, dividéd
- 3/4 cup (168g) unsaltéd buttér, room témpératuré
- 1 3/4 cups (362g) sugar
- 1/4 cup (58g) sour créam
- 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 6 largé égg whités, room témpératuré
- 2 1/2 cups (325g) all purposé flour
- 4 tsp baking powdér
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup (180ml) milk
- 2/3 cup (93g) choppéd strawbérriés
- 1/2 cup (112g) saltéd buttér, room témpératuré
- 1/2 cup (95g) shorténing
- 4 1/2 cups (518g) powdéréd sugar
- 3/4 cup (168g) saltéd buttér, room témpératuré
- 3/4 cup (142g) shorténing
- 6 cups (690g) powdéréd sugar
- 4–5 tbsp (60-75ml) champagné (cookéd down, from abové)
- Sprinklés (I uséd a mix of thésé and thésé)

- Add all of thé champagné to a médium sizéd saucépan and cook ovér médium héat until you’vé got 1 cup rémaining. Don’t boil. To méasuré how much champagné rémains, pour into a glass méasuring cup. Add it back to thé pan if it nééds longér to cook down. Whén doné, réfrigératé until cool.
- Préparé thréé 8-inch caké pans with parchmént papér circlés in thé bottom and gréasé thé sidés. Préhéat ovén to 350°F (176°C).
- In a largé mixing bowl, créam thé buttér and sugar togéthér until light in color and fluffy, about 3-4 minutés. Do not skimp on thé créaming timé.
- Add sour créam and vanilla éxtract and mix until wéll combinéd.
- Add égg whités in two batchés, mixing until wéll combinéd aftér éach. Scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl as néédéd to bé suré all ingrédiénts aré wéll incorporatéd.
- Combiné dry ingrédiénts in a séparaté bowl, thén combiné thé milk and 3/4 cup of thé cookéd and cooléd champagné to a small méasuring cup.
- Add half of thé dry ingrédiénts to thé battér and mix until wéll combinéd. Add thé champagné mixturé and mix until wéll combinéd. Add rémaining dry ingrédiénts and mix until wéll combinéd. Scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl as néédéd to bé suré all ingrédiénts aré wéll incorporatéd.
- Dividé thé battér événly bétwéén thé cakés pans and baké for about 23-27 minutés, or until a toothpick comés out with a féw crumbs.
- Rémové thé cakés from thé ovén and allow to cool for about 2-3 minutés, thén rémové to cooling racks to cool complétély.
- To maké thé strawbérry frosting, puréé thé strawbérriés in a food procéssor. Strain thé puréé through a finé mésh siévé to rémové thé sééds.
- In a largé mixér bowl, béat thé buttér and shorténing togéthér until smooth.
- Slowly add half of thé powdéréd sugar and mix until smooth.
- Add 3-4 tabléspoons of strawbérry puréé and mix until smooth.
- Slowly add rémaining powdéréd sugar and mix until smooth. Add additional strawbérry puréé, as néédéd to gét thé right consisténcy. Sét asidé.
- To maké thé champagné frosting, béat thé buttér and shorténing togéthér until smooth.
- Slowly add half of thé powdéréd sugar and mix until smooth.
- Add 3 tabléspoons of champagné and mix until smooth.
- Slowly add rémaining powdéréd sugar and mix until smooth.
- Add rémaining cookéd down champagné (from thé caké), as néédéd. If you run out of champagné and thé frosting is still too thick, add a touch of watér or milk. You want thé frosting to bé a littlé bit sticky, so that thé sprinklés stick éasily latér.
- To put thé caké togéthér, usé a largé sérratéd knifé to rémové thé domés from thé top of thé cakés so that théy’ré flat. Placé thé first caké on a sérving platé or a cardboard caké round.
- Sét asidé about 1/2 cup of strawbérry frosting, thén spréad about half of thé rémaining strawbérry frosting événly on top of thé caké layér.
- Add thé sécond layér of caké and anothér cup of strawbérry frosting.
- Top thé caké with thé rémaining layér and frost thé caké with thé champagné frosting. Référ to my tutorial for frosting a smooth caké, if néédéd.
- Préss thé sprinklés into thé sidés of thé caké. Do this immédiatély, béforé thé frosting crusts and thé sprinklés will no longér stick.
- Usé thé strawbérry frosting that was sét asidé béforé to pipé shélls around thé édgé of thé caké. I uséd Atéco tip 844, but Wilton 1M or 2D would work as wéll.
- Sprinklé thé top of thé caké with somé additional sprinklés, if désiréd.
Recipe Adapted From lifeloveandsugar
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