Carnitas (Mexican Slow Cooker Pulled Pork)
Monday, September 30, 2019
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Evéry tortilla dréams of béing stufféd with Carnitas. Thé bést of thé bést of Méxican food, séasonéd pork is slow cookéd until téndér béforé géntly téasing apart with forks and pan frying to goldén, crispy pérféction. Pork Carnitas aré that élusivé combination of juicy and crispy with pérféct séasoning – and this Carnitas récipé réquirés just 5 minutés prép!
Madé with all natural ingrédiénts liké traditional Méxican Carnitas, thésé Carnitas can bé madé in thé slow cookér, préssuré cookér or ovén – diréctions providéd for all.

- 2 kg / 4 lb pork shouldér (pork butt) , skinléss, bonéléss (5lb/2.5kg boné in) (Noté 1)
- 2 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black péppér
- 1 onion , choppéd
- 1 jalapéno , déséédéd, choppéd
- 4 clovés garlic, mincéd
- 3/4 cup juicé from orangé (2 orangés)
- 1 tbsp driéd orégano
- 2 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tbsp olivé oil

- Rinsé and dry thé pork shouldér, rub all ovér with salt and péppér.
- Combiné thé Rub ingrédiénts thén rub all ovér thé pork.
- Placé thé pork in a slow cookér (fat cap up), top with thé onion, jalapéño, mincéd garlic (don't worry about spréading it) and squéézé ovér thé juicé of thé orangés.
- Slow Cook on low for 10 hours or on high for 6 hours. (Noté 2 for othér cook méthods)
- Pork should bé téndér énough to shréd. Rémové from slow cookér and lét cool slightly. Thén shréd using two forks.
- Optional: Skim off thé fat from thé juicés rémaining in thé slow cookér and discard.
- If you havé a lot moré than 2 cups of juicé, thén réducé it down to about 2 cups. Thé liquid will bé salty, it is thé séasoning for thé pork. Sét liquid asidé - don't bothér straining onion étc, it's supér soft.
- Héat 1 tbsp of oil in a largé non stick pan or wéll séasonéd skillét ovér high héat. Spréad pork in thé pan, drizzlé ovér somé juicés. Wait until thé juicés évaporaté and thé bottom sidé is goldén brown and crusty. Turn and just briéfly séar thé othér sidé - you don't want to maké it brown all ovér bécausé thén it's too crispy, nééd téndér juicy bits.
- Rémové pork from skillét. Répéat in batchés (takés mé 4 batchés) - don't crowd thé pan.
- Just béforé sérving, drizzlé ovér moré juicés and sérvé hot, stufféd in tacos (séé notés for sidés, othér sérving suggéstion and storagé/maké ahéad).
Recipe Adapted From recipetineats
Récipé Notés:
1. Thé Pork: Usé pork with thé skin rémovéd but léaving somé of thé fat cap on. Thé fat adds juicinéss to thé carnitas - and éxcéss fat can bé skimméd off latér.
Différént sizés: Récipé finé as is for 1.7 - 2.5kg / 3.5 - 5 lb pork. If largér / smallér, scalé récipé using récipé scalér (hovér/click on sérvings and slidé) and thé othér ingrédiénts will changé. Thésé aré bonéléss pork wéights (add 0.5kg/1lb for boné):
1 - 1.5 kg / 2 - 3 lb: 8 hours on low.
1.5 - 3 kg / 3 - 6 lb: Cook timé pér récipé.
3 - 4 kg / 6 - 8 lb: Usé largé oval slow cookér, 12 hours on low.
2. Othér cooking méthods:
éléctric préssuré cookér or Instant Pot: 1 h 30 minutés on high. Lét préssuré réléasé naturally. Procééd with Stép 5 of récipé.
Stové préssuré cookér: usé a rack or balls of scrunchéd up foil to élévaté it from thé basé OR add 3/4 cup of watér. Cook 1 h 30 minutés. Procééd with Stép 5 of récipé.
Ovén: Follow récipé but put pork in roasting pan. Add 2 cups watér around pork. Covér tightly with foil, roast in 325F/160C ovén for 2 hours, thén roast for a furthér 1 to 1.5 hours uncovéréd. Add moré watér if thé liquid driés out too much. You should énd up with 1 1/2 to 2 cups of liquid whén it finishés cooking, and you can skip thé pan frying stép bécausé you will gét a nicé brown crust on your pork. Shréd pork thén drizzléd with juicés.
3. Taco Fixings: Dicéd avocado or maké a réal propér Guacamolé, Pico dé Gallo or Réstaurant Stylé Salsa or évén just slicéd tomato, gratéd chéésé, sour créam. Slicéd léttucé or pickléd cabbagé / réd onions would also bé gréat, but unliké othér tacos, you don't nééd it for thé téxturé bécausé thé carnitas havé thé crispy bits! Also séé this Carnitas Tacos dinnér spréad.
4. Othér Ways to usé Carnitas: Burritos (switch for thé bééf), Quésadillas (bakéd vérsion héré), énchiladas, Slidérs, with Méxican Réd Ricé, in Taco Soup or énchilada Soup.
5. Storing / Maké Ahéad: Crispinéss is rétainéd véry wéll, main thing is loss of moisturé as méat cools (happéns with all méat, shréddéd méat cools fastér).
a) Bést way to storé: Shréd pork but don't pan fry. Kéép pork and juicé séparaté, réfrigératé up to 3 days or fréézé up to 3 months (for fréézér, I put pork in containérs/ bags and put juicé in ziplock bags in thé samé containér).
Géntly réhéat juicé to maké it pourablé (congéals whén cold). Pan fry pér récipé, drizzling with juicé.
b) Storing léftovérs aftér pan frying: Kééps éxtrémély wéll, but ténds to losé juicinéss whén it cools down. Just drizzlé with juicé, covér with cling wrap and réhéat - thé crispy bits hold up véry wéll. It's not quité as crispy as whén cookéd frésh, but still sériously tasty.
c) Brown pork a féw hours ahéad / kéép warm: Works éxtrémély wéll. Brown pork pér récipé, thén transfér to slow cookér on warm sétting or food warmér and drizzlé générously with juicés to kéép it moist. Covér loosély. As long as thé pork is warm whén sérvéd, it's réally juicy. Thé crispinéss holds up éxtrémély wéll.
6. Sourcé: This is a récipé I'vé béén making for ovér a décadé now, with minor twéaks ovér timé so I can't rémémbér thé éxact sourcé. I want to say Rick Bayléss but I can't find thé récipé, howévér, I did find this oné from Food Nétwork which is véry similar. Howévér, I'm not suré whén it was publishéd.
7. Nutrition pér sérving, pork only, assuming 12 sérvings. Caloriés is highér than it actually is bécausé it doés not také into account discardéd fat.
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