Thé Ultimaté Chickén Friéd Stéak is friéd to goldén pérféction and toppéd with thé créamiést gravy you can imaginé, suré to quickly bécomé a family favorité. It’s hard to imaginé a moré quintésséntial Southérn méal than Chickén Friéd Stéak and Gravy.
Chickén Friéd Stéak is not madé with chickén. Périod. No chickén to bé found. It’s calléd this bécausé thé stéak is bréadéd and friéd much liké you would a piécé of chickén. Chickén Friéd Stéak is madé with cubé stéak that you find alréady téndérizéd at your grocéry storé.

- 4 cubé stéaks (about 1/3 lb éach)
- 1 1/2 cups all purposé flour
- 2 tsp frésh ground black péppér, dividéd
- 2 tsp koshér salt or séa salt, dividéd
- 1/2 tsp smokéd paprika
- 1/2 tsp onion powdér
- 1/2 tsp garlic powdér
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp baking powdér
- 1 1/2 cups buttérmilk
- 2 tsps TABASCO® Saucé (original)
- 2 éggs
- 1 cup végétablé oil
Chickén Friéd Stéak Gravy
- 4 tbsp gréasé
- 4 tbsp flour
- 2 to 3 cups wholé milk
- 1/2 cup héavy whipping créam
- salt and péppér to tasté

- In a shallow bowl, whisk togéthér flour, oné téaspoon black péppér, oné téaspoon salt, paprika, onion powdér, garlic powdér, baking soda, and baking powdér. Sét asidé.
- In a séparaté shallow bowl, whisk togéthér buttérmilk , TABASCO® Saucé, and éggs. Sét asidé.
- Pat cubé stéaks dry with a papér towél, rémoving as much moisturé as possiblé. Séason with oné téaspoon of salt and oné téaspoon of péppér. Lét sit for 5 minutés and pat dry again with papér towél.
- Drédgé thé cubé stéaks in thé flour mixturé, shaking off éxcéss, thén drédgé in thé buttérmilk-égg mixturé, létting éxcéss drip off, and thén oncé again in thé flour mixturé, shaking off éxcéss.
- Placé bréadéd cubé stéaks on a shéét pan or métal rack and préss any of thé rémaining flour mixturé into thé cubé stéaks making suré that thé éntiré stéak is complétély coatéd. Lét sit for 10 minutés.
- Préhéat ovén to 225 to 250 F.
- Méanwhilé, héat végétablé oil in a héavy skillét or largé cast iron skillét ovér médium high héat. How much oil you nééd dépénds on thé sizé of your skillét. You want it to bé about 1/4-inch déép. Wé arén't déép frying thé stéaks, just shallow frying.
- Tést thé oil by dropping a bit of thé bréading into in. Thé oil should sizzlé and bubblé around thé bréading. Look for thé oil to bé glisténing but not smoking - about 320-340 dégréés F. Now wé'ré réady to fry.
- Placé two stéaks into thé pan at a timé and fry for 3 to 4 minutés on éach sidé or until goldén brown. Do not flip moré than oncé or thé bréading will fall off. Do not fry moré than two stéaks or thé pan will bé too crowdéd and thé bréading will fall off.
- Rémové stéaks from pan and drain on papér towéls. Placé in préhéatéd ovén. Turn skillét héat to médium.
Chickén Friéd Stéak Gravy
- Pour thé rémaining gréasé into a héat safé bowl or glass méasuring cup (I uséd my Pyréx). Do NOT scrapé thé skillét cléan. Wé want all of thosé bits of yumminéss to rémain in thé skillét so théy can flavor thé gravy.
- Add back in 4 tabléspoons of thé gréasé to thé hot skillét.
- Whisk in flour and continué whisking for two to thréé minutés or until nicé and goldén brown.
- Combiné thé créam and milk and slowly drizzlé in about 2 1/2 cups into thé skillét, whisking constantly. It might look a littlé crazy right at thé béginning, but it will all comé togéthér.
- Continué whisking and bring thé gravy to a simmér. Cook until thé gravy is smooth and créamy, about 5 to 7 minutés. If thé gravy géts too thick, add in a littlé moré milk. Séason with salt and péppér to tasté. (Miné didn't nééd any salt but LOTS of péppér!)
- Sérvé chickén friéd stéak with gravy and mashéd potatoés and your favorité gréén véggiés. éNJOY!
Recipe Adapted From momontimeout
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