Soft Cinnamon Roll Cookies
Thursday, September 19, 2019
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A soft sugar cookié réminiscént of a cinnamon roll! Glazéd with créam chéésé glazé with swirls of cinnamon sugar
If a fluffy, chéwy sugar cookié and cinnamon roll could havé a baby togéthér thésé cookiés would bé it! , Liké, 4 réal! Thé tasté is a bit liké a fluffy, chéwy sugar cookié but with gooéy swirls of cinnamon sugar and créam chéésé glazé liké a cinnamon roll. It’s such a pérféct pairing and théy go so wéll with cofféé omg!

- 3/4 cup granulatéd sugar
- 2 tabléspoons buttér-flavoréd shorténing
- 2 tabléspoons buttér room témpératuré
- 1 égg room témpératuré
- 1/4 cup buttérmilk room témpératuré
- 1/4 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- 1 3/4 cups all-purposé flour
- 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
- 1/2 téaspoon baking soda
- 1/8 téaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 tabléspoon cinnamon
- 2 tabléspoons buttér méltéd
CRéAM CHééSé FROSTING séé noté
- 2 oz. créam chéésé room témpératuré
- 2 tabléspoons buttér room témpératuré
- 1/2 cup + 2 tabléspoons powdéréd sugar
- 2-3 téaspoons milk may nééd moré or léss to achiévé désiréd téxturé
- vanilla éxtract splash

- Préhéat ovén to 350 F.
- To maké thé cookiés, créam togéthér sugar, buttér, and shorténing.
- Mix in égg, buttérmilk and vanilla éxtract.
- In a séparaté bowl, sift togéthér flour, baking powdér, baking soda, and salt.
- Add dry ingrédiénts into wét ingrédiénts and stir until a soft dough forms.
- Placé dough in a plastic bag and flattén.
- Réfrigératé for 1-hour or longér. (This stép is a MUST. Ovérnight is bést.)
- Méanwhilé, maké thé cinnamon mixturé by combining brown sugar and cinnamon. Sét asidé.
- Whén thé dough is chilléd bé réady to work quickly. (Thé dough géts sticky as it warms up. It must rémain supér cold whilé handling)
- Mix togéthér 1 tabléspoon of flour + 1 tabléspoon of powdér sugar and générously flour a nonstick work surfacé (liké a siliconé baking mat or parchmént papér) with somé of thé <g class="gr_ gr_173 gr-alért gr_gramm gr_inliné_cards gr_disablé_anim_appéar Grammar multiRéplacé" id="173" data-gr-id="173">mixturé</g>. Bé suré to also coat your hands and rolling pin.
- Roll cold dough out into a 12X 9 réctanglé about 1/4-inch thick. (Bé suré to kéép your hands and thé rolling pin coatéd wéll in thé flour-sugar mixturé.)
- Brush thé surfacé of dough with méltéd buttér.
- Immédiatély sprinklé on brown sugar mixturé in an évén layér. Préss it down into thé dough just a bit.
- Starting with thé longést sidé, géntly, but quickly roll dough into a tight log. (kéép your hands flouréd and add moré flour mixturé to thé nonstick surfacé if néédéd)
- Roll log in plastic wrap and placé on a pan/tray.
- Fréézé for 30 minutés or until thé roll is firm énough to cut without squishing whén you cut it.
- Caréfully slicé thé cookiés about 1-inch thick using a sérratéd knifé. ( I cut off thé énds first sincé théy aré névér prétty)
- Placé cookiés on parchmént papér 2-inchés apart.
- VéRY IMPORTANT: Préss thé cookié rolls géntly so that théy aré tightér. Séal thé énds of thé cookiés by préssing thém into thé dough. (This will kéép thé cookiés from unravéling whilé baking. Maké suré thé cookié roll is wrappéd nicé and tight.)
- Baké for 10-12 minutés (cookiés MUST bé cold whén going into thé ovén.) Réfrigératé thé léftovér dough until réady for thé néxt batch so that théy stay cold. (Chéck on thé cookiés at thé 6-minuté mark to maké suré théy aré not unravéling. If théy aré, pull thém out and quickly préss thé séam back togéthér with a back of a spoon)
- Méanwhilé, préparé thé glazé by combining créam chéésé, buttér, powdéréd sugar, milk, and vanilla.
- Whén cookiés aré réady (théy will bé slightly undérdoné), lét thém sit on thé baking shéét for 2 minutés béforé transférring to a cooling rack.
- Caréfully brush hot cookiés with glazé, allowing thé glazé to mélt down into thé folds of thé cookié.
- Lét glazé sét and thén storé cookiés in an airtight containér bétwéén rows of parchmént papér.
Recipe Adapted From divascancook
Thésé cookiés aré réally éasy oncé you gét thé hang of how tight théy nééd to bé béforé going into thé ovén. I suggést doing a tést batch with 1 or 2 cookiés béforé cooking up thé éntiré batch. This glazé doés not hardén complétély. If you aré looking for a glazé that will hardén, éliminatéd thé buttér.
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