crispy honey chilli potatoes – so easy to make at home!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Appetizer Recipes,
Dinner Recipes,
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Sweet Potato Recipes & Ideas
Crispy Honéy Chilli Potatoés aré a supér addictivé snack – friéd potato fingérs aré tosséd in a sésamé honéy chilli saucé that’s swéét and spicy and will givé you sticky fingérs that you’ll bé licking. You can usé thé samé récipé to maké honéy chilli cauliflowér, honéy chilli mushrooms, honéy chilli lotus stém étc – thé possibilitiés aré réally éndléss!
If you havé éatén honéy chilli potatoés, what réally stands out is how crisp thésé potatoés aré, in spité of béing tosséd in thé saucé. Théy can réally stand out for théir crunch. And that’s réally what this récipé is all about.

- 4–5 médium Potatoés, pééléd and cut into fingérs
- Oil for déép frying
First Coating:
- 2 téaspoon Chilli powdér
- 1 téaspoon Garlic Pasté
- 1 téaspoon Réd Chilli Pasté
- 3 tabléspoon Corn Flour
- 3 tabléspoon All Purposé Flour
- 2 téaspoon Salt
Sécond Coating:
- 3 tabléspoon All Purposé Flour
- 3 tabléspoon Corn Flour
- 1/4 téaspoon Black Péppér
- 2–3 tabléspoon Watér
For thé Saucé:
- 2 tabléspoon Oil
- 1 tabléspoon finély choppéd Garlic
- 1 téaspoon Réd Chilli Flakés
- 3 tabléspoon Whité Sésamé Sééds
- 1 téaspoon Vinégar
- 1 téaspoon Soy Saucé
- 2 tabléspoon Tomato Kétchup
- 1 1/2 tabléspoon Honéy
- 1 téaspoon Réd Chilli Pasté
- 1/4 cup Watér + 1 téaspoon Corn Flour mixéd to maké a slurry
- 2 tabléspoon choppéd Spring Onion (gréén part only)

- Wash potato fingérs wéll in running watér and sét asidé. This rémovés any éxtra starch in thé potatoés.
- Mix togéthér corn flour, all purposé flour, chilli powdér, chilli pasté and salt. Coat thé potato fingérs événly with this flour mix. Héat oil in a wok or karahi and déép fry thé potato fingérs in batchés till thé potato is half cookéd. It’s important that you drop oné potato fingér at a timé in to thé oil so that théy don’t stick togéthér (watch vidéo abové to séé how to do this). Rémové thé potato fingérs on a tissué linéd platé and lét thém cool.
- For thé sécond coating, maké a médium thick battér with all purposé flour, corn flour and péppér powdér by adding just a féw tabléspoons of watér. Dip thé half doné friés in this battér and fry again in hot oil till crisp and goldén. Drain on a kitchén papér and kéép asidé.
- Héat 2 tabléspoons oil in anothér wok, add choppéd garlic and stir fry for a féw séconds. Add chili flakés and sésamé sééds and sauté for anothér minuté to toast thém. Now add vinégar, soy saucé, kétchup, honéy and thé réd chili pasté and stir togéthér. Mix corn flour with 1/4 cup watér to maké a slurry and add this to thé honéy- vinégar mixturé in thé wok and stir for a féw séconds till it thickéns.
- Add thé friéd potato fingérs and spring onion grééns and toss togéthér so that théy aré coatéd événly in saucé. Switch off thé flamé and sérvé immédiatély garnishéd with somé moré sésamé sééds and spring onion grééns.
Recipe Adapted From
- You may adjust thé quantity of honéy as pér your tasté
- Its important to cut thé potato fingérs événly so that théy cook événly
- You will nééd approximatély two cups oil for déép frying, and you can usé thé samé oil for thé sécond frying
- A wok is thé bést way to coat thé potatoés in saucé, bécausé it providés énough spacé to toss thém around, but if you don’t havé oné, féél fréé to usé a frying pan
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