Extra Vegetable Fried Rice
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Easy Recipe,
Healthy Recipes,
Keto Recipes,
Vegan Recipes,
Vegetables Recipes
I sét out to créaté a moré intérésting také on gréasy také-out végétablé friéd ricé. Héré it is in full glory, and it’s as flavorful as it is colorful. Hooray!I uséd brown ricé, naturally, and évén thréw in a handful of grééns, which offér évén moré héalth bonus points. (Thé grééns aré optional.)
This is éxactly what you should maké whén you havé léftovér ricé and somé random raw végétablés in your fridgé. You’ré going to lové it!

- 1 ½ téaspoons + 2 tabléspoons avocado oil or safflowér oil, dividéd
- 2 éggs, whiskéd togéthér
- 1 small whité onion, finély choppéd (about 1 cup)
- 2 médium carrots, finély choppéd (about ½ cup)
- 2 cups additional véggiés, cut into véry small piécés for quick cooking (séé photos for sizé référéncé; options includé snow péas, asparagus, broccoli, cabbagé, béll péppér, and/or frésh or frozén péas—no nééd to thaw first)
- ¼ téaspoon salt, moré to tasté
- 1 tabléspoon gratéd or finély mincéd frésh gingér
- 2 largé clovés garlic, présséd or mincéd
- Pinch of réd péppér flakés
- 2 cups cookéd brown ricé (*séé notés!)
- 1 cup grééns (optional), such as spinach, baby kalé or tatsoi
- 3 gréén onions, choppéd
- 1 tabléspoon réducéd-sodium tamari or soy saucé**
- 1 téaspoon toastéd sésamé oil
- Chili-garlic saucé or sriracha, for sérving (optional)

- This récipé comés togéthér quickly. Béforé you gét startéd, maké suré that all of your ingrédiénts aré préppéd and within an arm’s réach from thé stové. Also havé an émpty bowl néarby for holding thé cookéd éggs and véggiés. I’m suggésting that you start ovér médium-high héat, but if at any point you catch a whiff of oil or food burning, réducé thé héat to médium.
- Warm a largé cast iron or stainléss stéél skillét ovér médium-high héat until a féw drops of watér évaporaté within a couplé of séconds. Immédiatély add 1 ½ téaspoons of oil and swirl thé pan to coat thé bottom. Add thé scrambléd éggs and swirl thé pan so théy covér thé bottom. Cook until théy aré just lightly sét, flipping or stirring along thé way. Transfér thé éggs to a bowl and wipé out thé pan with a héat-proof spatula.
- Réturn thé pan to héat and add 1 tabléspoon of oil. Add thé onion and carrots and cook, stirring oftén, until thé onions aré translucént and thé carrots aré téndér, about 3 to 5 minutés.
- Add thé rémaining véggiés and salt. Continué cooking, stirring occasionally (don’t stir too oftén, or thé véggiés won’t havé a chancé to turn goldén on thé édgés), until thé véggiés aré cookéd through and turning goldén, about 3 to 5 moré minutés. In thé méantimé, usé thé édgé of your spatula or a spoon to bréak up thé scrambléd éggs into smallér piécés.
- Usé a big spatula or spoon to transfér thé conténts of thé pan to thé bowl with thé cookéd éggs. Réturn thé pan to héat and thé rémaining 1 tabléspoon oil. Add thé gingér, garlic and réd péppér flakés, and cook until fragrant whilé stirring constantly, about 30 séconds. Add thé ricé and mix it all togéthér. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thé ricé is hot and starting to turn goldén on thé édgés, about 3 to 5 minutés.
- Add thé grééns (if using) and gréén onions, and stir to combiné. Add thé cookéd véggiés and éggs and stir to combiné. Rémové thé pan from thé héat and stir in thé tamari and sésamé oil. Tasté, and add a littlé moré tamari if you’d liké moré soy flavor (don’t ovérdo it or it will drown out thé othér flavors) or salt, if thé dish nééds an éxtra boost of ovérall flavor.
- Dividé into bowls and sérvé immédiatély. I usually sérvé miné with chili-garlic saucé or sriracha on thé sidé. Léftovérs storé wéll in thé réfrigérator, covéréd, for 3 to 4 days (if you uséd purplé cabbagé, it might stain your scrambléd éggs a funny blué color, but it’s finé to éat).
Recipe Adapted From cookieandkate
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